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DARC - Multidisciplinary Studies of the Diversity of Brazilian Amphibians and Reptiles, and their Influence on Conservation

​(UNESP Professor Global Plan of Activities)

Herpetofauna Biodiversity


     Surveying the communities of amphibians and reptiles habitats we can provide a measure of the health of that system as well providing the raw materials for systematic studies. The taxonomic impediment (loss of biodiversity before the knowledge of its existence) shows the description of the diversity is critical in megadiverse countries, as Brazil. We work to construct holistic datasets (integrating morphology, DNA sequence data, and fossils) to review species in amphibians and reptiles. We are particularly interested in translating phylogenetic trees into stable classifications and use them to explore the taxonomy of focal groups. We also have described a sort of species new to science based on multidisciplinar approach (morphology, acoustics, morphometrics, and DNA).

Comparative Anatomy and Evolution

of Neotropical Herpetofauna


      The animals body is a product of his evolutionary history. Thus, it can tell us severasl information about their functionality and ecology. Our goal is to study the internal anatomy of amphibians and reptiles through dissection of specimens, prepared skeletons, tomography, x-ray, microscopy, etc.  All of these information can built a robust dataset to contribute to the studies of functional diversity, evolution, and biomechanics. We believe the anatomical dissections integrated with the associated questions focusing on biomechanics, form, and function also lead us to answering questions at cutting-edge knowledge.

Herpetofauna Natural History and Ecology


         Our lab has been increasingly interested in the ecological patterns and behavioral displays we have encountered in our monitoring fieldwork (including passive acoustic monitoring), as a secondary goal. Because of the tendency of exibition from the males, anurans are an interesting group to study behavior, and theses kind of data is paramount for reptiles because of its rarity. Furthermore, we are also interested in the environmental factors that could explain the spatial and temporal distributiun of amphibians and reptiles. In addition, we apply studies of species distribution and ecological modelings in biogeographic studies. We also work with the impact of alien species in the native fauna.

© Ivan Nunes


© Ivan Nunes



         We are looking for to understand the comprehensive teaching and learning of biological theories for a wide audience. The questions can be addressed by exploring the practical applications of biological principles in daily life and the impact of them on culture and society throughout history.

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