PET - Biological Sciences (Litoral) Group
The Tutorial Education Program (PET) is a program of the federal government of Brazil to promote research, teaching and university extension activities at the undergraduate level. The aim of this program is to promote the training of professionals and professors with high technical, scientific, technological and academic qualifications. An important element for this proposal is group performance in a horizontal way, where students are active actors in the construction of their own performance. Biology is the field of knowledge responsible for the study of life in its various aspects. The PET - Biological Sciences (Litoral) Group is part of a course with a long tradition in biodiversity research. Therefore, our projects are designed in this subject area. The group is composed by one Tutor and eight Students, and is sponsored by the Tutorial Education Program of UNESP, subordinated to PROGRAD, and obey the national rules by SESU-MEC. Please, click the icon to get more information!
Prof. Ivan Nunes is the group tutor for the triennium Oct/2022-Sept/2025.