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LHERP Alumni

Doctor of Philosophy Degree (stricto sensu)

Caroline Nunes Parreira

Project title - Biogeography of invasive species of Herpetofauna: influence of artificial dispersers and environmental factors.

[Advisor; Co-Advisor: Dr. Tiado Silveira Vasconcelos (UNESP, Bauru Campus); PhD in Bidiversity of Coastal Environments at UNESP-CLP; Defense in March 2023; Fellowship funding agency: CAPES]


Master' of Science Degree (stricto sensu)

Ingrid Lima e Lima

Project title - Comparative myology of representatives of the genus Amphisbaena Linnaeus, 1758 (Squamata, Amphisbaenidae).

[Advisor; MSc in Biological Sciences (Zoology) at UNESP-IBB; Defense in September 2024; Fellowship funding agency: CNPq]



Isabel Gonzalves Velasco

Project title - Active monitoring and study of the efficiency of Passive Acoustic Monitoring (MAP) as a tool to monitor anurans (Amphibia) in lotic environments in Itinguçu State Park, Peruíbe-SP.

[Advisor; MSc in Biological Sciences (Zoology) at UNESP-IBB; Defense in October 2023; Fellowship funding agency: CAPES]



Guilherme Rey de F. Sichieri

Project title - Ontogenic sequences analysis of the immature skull of Thoropa taophora (Anura, Cycloramphidae): phylogenetic and ecological implications.

[Advisor; MSc in Bidiversity of Coastal Environments at UNESP-CLP; Defense in July 2021; ; Fellowship funding agency: CAPES]



Ana Beatriz A. Comelli

Project title - Are multivariate techniques of geometric morphometry capable of discriminating the shape of the skulls of Trachycephalus atlas Bokermann, 1966 and Trachycephalus nigromaculatus Tschudi, 1838 (Anura, Hylidae)?

[Advisor; MSc in Bidiversity of Coastal Environments at UNESP-CLP; Defense in March 2020]



Pedro Henrique A. G. Moura

Project title - Comparative miology of the genus Trachycephalus Tschudi, 1838 (Anura: Hylidae) and its contribution to the phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Lophiohylini.

[Advisor; MSc in Biodiversity of Coastal Environments at UNESP-CLP; Defense in March 2020; Fellowship funding agency: CAPES]


Cecília M. Magalhães

Project title - Description of a new fossil anuran from Crato Formation, Northeastern Brazil.

[Co-Advisor; Advisor: Dr. Alexander W. A. Kellner (Museu Nacional/UFRJ); MSc in Geosciences (Geopaleontological Heritage) at National Museum/UFRJ; Defense in August 2018]


Undergaduate Thesis / Scientific Initiation

Alessa Aparecida Burgarelli

Project title - Introduction to the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, and Curation of Scientific Collections.

[Advisor; Student training for the Scholarship and Extension Grant (BAAE)  UNESP-CLP; Finished 2019]


Arthur Walter Lemos

Project title - Contribution to the taxonomic knowledge of Hypsiboas crepitans (Wied-Neuwied, 1824): geographic variation of populations in eastern Brazil.

[Advisor; Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2011]


Bruna da Silva Lopes

Project title - Does the phylogenetic diversity and richness of Brazilian island anurofauna respond to island biogeographical parameters?

[Advisor; Co-Advisor: MSc Pedro Henrique A.G. Moura; Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2019]


Project title - Phylogenetic diversity and richness of anurofauna in the Restinga areas of eastern Brazil [conservation parameters].

[Advisor. Scientific Initiation; Fellowship funding agency: FAPESP; Finished 2021. Co-Advisor: MSc Pedro Henrique A.G. Moura; Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2023]​



Cássia Alves de Moura

Project title - Introduction to the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, and Curatorship of Scientific Collections.

[Advisor; Student training for the Scholarship and Extension Grant (BAAE)  UNESP-CLP; Finished 2016]


Daniel Bastos Maciel da Silva Santos

Project title - Geographic morphological variation in Pleurodema diplolister (Peters, 1870) (Anura, Leiuperidae).

[Advisor; Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2009]


Daniela das Graças Souza e Sousa

Project title - Introduction to the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, and Curatorship of Scientific Collections.

[Advisor; Training Program for Complementing Educational Training at UNESP-CLP; Finished 2017]


Gabriel Paz Taboada

Project title - Description of the myology of the species Itapotihyla langsdorffii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841) (Anura: Hylidae).

[Advisor; Scientific Initiation UNESP; Finished 2024]


Guilherme Rey de França Sichieri

Project title - Taxonomic position of topotypic populations of Scinax x-signatus varieties assigned by Spix (1824) to Brazilian Amazonia (Anura, Hylidae, Scinaxinae).

[Advisor; Undergraduate Thesis; Defense in 2019; Fellowship funding agency: FAPESP]



Gustavo D. Baptistino

Project title - Comparative study [Scientometry] of the diagnostic characteristics of the species of "Lizards" (Squamata) described in the last 10 years, and a translation for a systematic language.

[Advisor; UNESP-CLP Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2018]


Ingrid Lima e Lima

Project title - Comparative study [Scientometry] of the diagnostic characteristics of the species of Serpentes (Squamata) described in the last 10 years, and a translation for a systematic language.

[Advisor; UNESP-CLP Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2018]


Isabella Leônidas Mota Gonçalves

Project title - Introduction to the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, and Curatorship of Scientific Collections.

[Advisor; Training Program for Complementing Educational Training at UNESP-CLP; Finished 2017]


Joana Lima Moraes

Project title - Effects of Climate Change on the Physiology and Behavior of Tadpoles of the frog Thoropa taophora.

[Co-Advisor; Advisor: Dr. Alessandra S. Augusto; UNESP-CLP Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2019]


Juan Aquino Silva

Project title - Comparative study (scientometrics) of the diagnostic characteristics of Snake species (Squamata) described in the first 20 years of the 21st century.

[Advisor. Scientific Initiation UNESP; Co-Adivisor Ingrid Lima e Lima. Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2023; Fellowship funding agency: PROGRAD/UNESP]


Project title - Morphometry and body proportionality ratio of Rhinella ornata (Spix, 1824) tadpoles (Anura, Bufonidae) at different stages of development.

[Advisor; Scientific Initiation; Fellowship funding agency: CNPq/UNESP; Finished 2024]


Juliana Miguel Torres

Project title - Composition, distribution patterns and acoustics for the conservation of two anuran taxocenoses (Amphibia) from the Parque Estadual Xixová-Japuí (São Vicente-SP).

[Advisor; Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2017; Fellowship funding agency: PROPE/UNESP]


Karla Leticia Rossi Antonio

Project title - Modeling the potential distribution of the invasive lizard Anolis porcatus Gray, 1840 in Brazil and the relevance of bioclimatic variables in areas of environmental suitability.

[Advisor; UNESP-CLP Undergraduate Thesis; Finished 2021]


Ligia Modenesi Moraes

Project title - Anurofauna phylogenetic diversity and richness as a tool for environmental preservation in Restinga areas in eastern Brazil [Distance parameters].

[Advisor; Scientific Initiation; Fellowship funding agency: CNPq; Finished 2021]



Livia Zanuzzi Barroso

Project title - Advertisement calls of a taxocenosis of anuran amphibians from Itinguçu State Park, Peruíbe-SP.

[Advisor; Scientific Initiation at UNESP-CLP; Fellowship funding agency: FAPESP (#23/02201-5); Finished 2024]



Luana C. Carvache Silva

Project title - Diet of the invasive lizard Anolis porcatus Gray, 1840 in the municipality of São Vicente, Baixada Santista, State of São Paulo, Brazil.

[Advisor; Training Program for Complementing Educational Training at UNESP-CLP; Finished 2018]


Lucas Ferreira de Souza

Project title - Introduction to the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, and Curatorship of Scientific Collections.

[Advisor; Student training for the Scholarship and Extension Grant (BAAE)  UNESP-CLP; Finished 2016]


Project title - Environmentally suitable cultivation areas for the economic interest species Holothuria (Halodeima) grisea (Selenka, 1867) (Sea Cucumber) and Crassostrea tulipa (Lamark, 1819) (Oyster), according to ecological niche modeling (ENM) .

[Advisor; Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2022]


Manoela Dreyfuss Lourenço

Project title - Phylogenetic diversity and richness of nesting regions as a tool to preserving Sea Turtles on the Brazilian Atlantic Coast.

[Advisor; Scientific Initiation; Fellowship funding agency: CNPq; Finished 2021]



Manoela Stavale N. M. Amaral

Project title - Distribuição espacial e temporal da taxocenose de anfíbios anuros do Parque Estadual Itinguçu, Peruíbe-SP

[Advisor; Scientific Initiation; Fellowship funding agency: CNPq; Finished 2023]


Project title - Diversidade e distribuição espacial de Anura (Chordata; Amphibia) e Squamata (Chordata; Reptilia) do Parque Estadual Itinguçu, Peruíbe-SP

[Advisor; Co-Advisor: MSc Isabel G. Velasco (UFPE); Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2023]


Project title - Spatial and temporal distribution of anurans and reptiles taxocenoses from Itinguçu State Park, Peruíbe-SP.

[Advisor; Scientific Initiation; Fellowship funding agency: CNPq; Finished 2024]



Sérgio R. Alves Jr.

Project title - Geographic variation in advertisement call of Rhinella ornata (Spix, 1824) (Anura, Hylidae).

[Advisor; Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2018; Fellowship funding: Pet Litoral]


Sofia Luz Andrade Barreto

Project title - Comparative study of the skull of two species of the genus Aparasphenodon Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Anura: Hylidae) from southeastern Brazil.

[Co-advisor: Advisor: Dr. Renato Neves Feio; Undergraduate Thesis; Federal University of Viçosa - UFV; defense in 2014; Fellowship funding agency: CNPq]


Vitany Cristini Fernandes Xavier

Project title - Bioacústica como ferramenta taxonômica para a identificação de populações de Physalaemus nanus (Boulenger, 1888) (Amphibia, Anura).

[Advisor; Scientific Initiation; Fellowship funding agency: CNPq; Finished 2023]


Project title - Bioacústica como ferramenta taxonômica para a identificação de populações de Physalaemus nanus (Boulenger, 1888) (Amphibia, Anura)

[Advisor; Co-Advisor: Dr. Rodrigo Lingnau (UTFPR); Undergraduate Thesis; defense in 2023]


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